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How long will it take to get yourself a 99 in OSRS?


Rockabilly Foren-Übersicht » Wohin??? » How long will it take to get yourself a 99 in OSRS?

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Tonyfirst Offline

Geschlecht: Geschlecht:männlich
Alter: 29
Anmeldedatum: 18.12.2020
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 18.12.2020 08:50    Titel: How long will it take to get yourself a 99 in OSRS?
Antworten mit Zitat
The first tip is cooking. For example, using other techniques to upgrade a character from level 38 to level 99 within 1 day is very expensive, and cooking is only 22 million OSRS GP, so it is incredibly cost-effective.

The second tip is prayer. There are many strategies to pray and acquire a lot of experience. It is worth noting that this use of Dagannos bones allows them to complete prayers faster.

The third tip is handmade. If you have sufficient OSRS gold, then handmade is a great choice. If you don't plenty of gold, you can Buy Old School Runescape Gold, for instance, RSgoldBuy is an excellent website you may make a try. When you plenty of gold, you can use them to increase your skills.

The fourth tip is Farming deserves mention at the same time, as when you unlock Kronos plants you can acquire 1M XP on a daily basis just doing the daily tree/herb runs, and also further through the use of tithe farm. Depending on how quickly one can get the particular level required for Kronos, a couple of weeks may be possible.
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